shahar klein's profile

Acrylics Done in Costa Rica

Done in Costa Rica
An Israeli living in Costa Rica.
Looking from the inside with sensitivities from the outside
 (link to website)

In the series "Los Caribeños" for example, Klein as an observer from afar tries to capture the spirit of the place and the people in general. In most cases the faces are unrecognizable, in the shade or looking the other direction. The viewer is left only to imagine the sounds of the waves or the playing children. Klein directs the viewer to share his own experience, as if being there, inside the scenes with nothing else besides the images he had chosen to leave on the canvas. All concise into the ambiance of tranquility and joy of life. 
The subject of this series brings to mind the works by Adrian Gomez, but his approach and way of depiction is quite different. While Gomez is more Graphic and two-dimensional, Klein and his photographic approach, using perspective and changing depth of field, invites the viewer to almost enter the scenes and imagine being there himself.
In the painting 'Mediodía en Limón' the man is looking straight daydreaming with only one of his eye visible. The background and table are "cleaned" of anything else rather than what Klein had wanted to emphasize: it's hot… no rush… people are native and simple yet modern and updated… - a quiet, clear, non judgmental message.

In the series "Roofs" Klein admits that first it was the esthetical and abstract formal matrix that had drawn him to the subject - the colors of tin and rust and the unorganized geometrical shapes.  The images again are examined from afar, many times from a bird's eye view. But a closer look at the paintings shows that the artist once again left  to the viewer's sight almost only the barracks and the thick lush vegetation around and amongst them. This helps to better understand how the local tenants are actually part of the local nature. More and more Klein is later drawn closer to the actual architecture of the outskirts.

Throughout his work Klein uses diagonal lines crisscrossing his balanced compositions. These diagonals add motion and tension to the calm ambiance of the scenes. Perhaps it is here, that the Israeli nature of Klein is expressed. It seems perhaps that it is this tranquil way of life - which is so different than the temperament of the Middle East – that Klein finds so fascinating.   
Sea of Sarchi
Acrylics Done in Costa Rica

Acrylics Done in Costa Rica

Painting in acrylics on canvas and paper
